Spotlight Analysis
Is the NFL Ready for a Gay Athlete?
Michael Sam, a defensive end from the University of Missouri, came out as gay on Sunday—is the macho culture of the NFL ready to embrace a gay athlete?
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
Was Coca-Cola Right? America’s Growing Religious Diversity
“It’s Beautiful,” a Coca-Cola ad shown during the Super Bowl, captures America’s diversity—and PRRI illustrates the country's evolving religious landscape.
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
NYE VS. HAM: Is the Creationism vs. Evolution Debate Winnable?
Kentucky’s Creation Museum hosted a debate between Science Guy Bill Nye and creationist Ken Ham over whether creation is a viable model of origin.
Spotlight Analysis
Are Politicians Missing the Mark on Immigration Reform?
As the national conversation about immigration reform continues, we explore where Americans stand on the issue.
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
What Are Younger Americans Doing on Facebook?
Facebook has done a good job of connecting Americans these past ten years, with 45 percent reporting in 2012 that they use the site at least a few times a week.
American Atheists has placed an ad aimed at sports fans who see the supernatural at play on the field, claiming, “A ‘Hail Mary’ only works in football.”
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
How American Presidents Pass the God and Country Test
The phrase, “God bless America," wasn’t publicly used by a president until 1973 when Richard Nixon used it in the face of the escalating Watergate scandal.
For more up-to-the-minute data about the issues and policies the President plans to discuss, join PRRI tonight at 9:00pm ET at #PRRI as we live-tweet the State of the Union address. In the meantime, d…
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Will Shorter Lines Boost Voter Turnout at the Polls?
The bipartisan Presidential Commission on Election Administration released a report encouraging jurisdictions to cut down on long lines at polls on Election Day.
Spotlight Analysis
Who’s Watching the Super Bowl?
We find that men are more likely to watch the Super Bowl than women, while roughly similar numbers of black, white, and Hispanic Americans plan on tuning in.
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