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Dr. Dara Coleby Delgado is the Bishop James Mills Thoburn Chair of Religious Studies, an Assistant Professor of History and Religious Studies, an affiliate faculty in Black Studies and Women, Gender,…
Drs. Emily Frazier, Will McCorkle, Veronica Montes, and Amina Zarrugh were 2023-2024 PRRI Public Fellows studying the intersection of politics, religion, and immigration/migration. This Spotlight Anal…
The 2024 presidential election’s preliminary exit polls show that the U.S. religious vote largely broke along expected lines. White evangelical Protestants remain the most vital religious constituen…
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
Since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision, abortion ballot initiatives have become focal points in several U.S. states, and in 2024 voters again will address reproductive rights directly. Voters have…
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
The 2024 presidential election has been filled with conspiracy theories led by QAnon, a conspiracy theory movement that emerged on the internet in 2017 and remains an influential force in American pol…
Spotlight Analysis
Politics & Elections
Catholics represent one of the largest and most diverse religious groups in the United States. According to PRRI’s 2023 Census of Religion in America, over one-fifth of Americans identify as Catholi…
Survey Report
Politics & Elections
To view a PDF of findings presented October 30, 2024, click here. To view the release event featuring a panel discussion of the survey’s findings, click here.
Spotlight Analysis
Abortion & Reproductive Health
As Election Day approaches, suburban women, a group of voters who played a major role in the 2020 election, are once again being viewed as a key voting demographic. Given increased restrictions on leg…
Spotlight Analysis
Religion & Culture
Leah Payne, Ph.D., is an associate professor of religious history at Portland Seminary in Oregon and a 2023-2024 PRRI Public Fellow. She studies the influence of charismatic and Pentecostal Christiani…
The 15th annual American Values Survey reveals deep political divisions and emerging challenges to democratic norms as well as Americans’ attitudes about the 2024 election, the overall direction of…
American Values Atlas:
Explore the religious, cultural, and demographic changes in the U.S. with the American Values Atlas (AVA), drawn from over 42,000 interviews and updated annually.
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